Values and Goals

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

Dr. Jane Goodall

Although I have just begun my Bachelor of Education, I have a solid foundation of values and goals from which to build on. The above quote by Dr. Goodall resonates with me because in my view, everyone and everything is connected. The energy I put out into the universe affects others and is a reflection of myself. In a classroom, I am a leader within a network of diversity. I have the power and the responsibility to empower my students and connect them to the world beyond the classroom. The core values of my classroom are respect, honesty, teamwork, growth, curiosity, collaboration, and kindness. I will elaborate on these values and associated goals below.

Respect: For classmates, teachers, staff, and oneself.

Honesty: In everything one says or does.

Teamwork: Each and every day. Setting goals as a class.

Growth: Celebrating both small and large achievements.

Curiosity: For all subject areas, regardless of grade or age.

Collaboration: Between teachers, staff, administration, and students.

Kindness: Above all, kindness first and in all interactions.