Standard 2

Teachers are responsible for shaping the minds of the next generation, and this responsibility requires a high level of ethical and professional conduct.

Educators who act ethically prioritize honesty, fairness, and integrity in all their interactions with students, colleagues, and parents. They uphold professional standards and adhere to codes of conduct that govern their behavior. This includes avoiding any behavior that could harm the well-being of their students, colleagues, or the profession as a whole.

Maintaining the integrity, credibility, and reputation of the profession is also a crucial responsibility of educators. Teachers are held to high standards of professional conduct and are expected to maintain their professional qualifications, pursue ongoing professional development, and continuously improve their practice. This helps to ensure that the teaching profession remains credible and respected by the wider community.

In addition to the importance of acting ethically and maintaining the integrity of the profession, there are also challenges in implementing these values in practice. Educators must navigate a range of ethical dilemmas and difficult decisions, such as balancing the needs of individual students with the needs of the class as a whole. They must also manage their own biases and prejudices and ensure that their personal beliefs do not interfere with their professional responsibilities.

Overall, educators who act ethically and maintain the integrity, credibility, and reputation of the profession are crucial to the success of the teaching profession. These values help to ensure that educators are held to high standards of professional conduct, and that they remain focused on the needs of their students and the wider community. By prioritizing these values, educators can help to build a better future for all learners.

Class trip to Otipemisiwak Lake on June 9, 2023.